Before you settle down at the Golden Age for a beer, or put the tent up how about a quick tour around town.

Rating Easy +
Head out of town in the Benambra direction and turn right up Depot Road after you drop down the hill and cross a small concrete bridge. Head up the hill, get to the dirt and keep climbing. When you get to a sort of intersection veer right and keep going. Keep climbing until you reach a gate and turn right. Drop down to the Omeo Highway taking care on a few steep loose corners. Head back towards town for about 500 metres and take a left turn up Hankshaws Hill Road. When you get back into town turn left and head up Bald Hill Creek Road to the town water tank. Go over the crest of the hill and turn right about 100 metres from the tank. Ride through to the Great Alpine Road and turn right. Head towards and turn left down Bazley Street. Ride past the houses and turn right. Find your own way back into town.
