Rating - Easy Distance - 20km How much climbing - 280m
When you get to Benambra here's a great ride to get your bearings. And soak in the great country the town has to offer. Don't be disappointed if the Lake is dry, it usually is six years out of seven. Looks great wet or dry. In fact, when it's dry you can ride over it.
Head north out of Benambra for about 1km and turn left onto gravel heading towards the footy ground. Go past the ground (unless you're staying there). Veer right just past the ground and follow the Sloan Pendergast Road (named after locals) up then down a hill, veering left. Continue to the T intersection and turn left. Ride down to the Lake and keep right. Continue past the lake over a cattle grid heading west, on Hinnomunjie Connection Road. Continue riding until you get to the top of the hill that looks out over: the valleys, down towards the Mitta River and south towards Omeo. Spectacular isn't it? Take a break then head back towards the Lake. When you get over the cattle grid turn right and ride around the lake and veer left when you get to it's southern side. Ride back into town and have a beer at the pub (if it's open) or a hamburger, coffee and pack of Cheezels at the General Store.