We'd like to keep this a secret but it's worth a share with like minded gravel lovers. The Benambra Recreation Reserve, just north of the town on the Corryong Road has all the facilities you'd ever need in a spectacular high country big sky setting. It's the home of the clubhouse, once the home of the Benambra Bloods AFL football team.

The rooms have toilets, showers, an excellently equipped kitchen and a large and comfortable common room that looks out over Lake Omeo, the town, and a range of hills called The Sisters. The Lake is usually dry but spectacular after filling rains. When we were there three massive eagles soared over the ground. We camped adjacent to the oval and used the facilities for meals and a place to chat about our days on the road.
Ring Frank, 0477 272 032, to find out more or make a booking. Tell him Rick sent you.